Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 39, New Measurements and, Apparently, I'm Over Chips

My apologies for having skipped so many days this week. It's tax season.

Last year I managed to get the tax return done before we took our trip to the Winter Olympics (we needed the tax return money!), but this year I was otherwise occupied with L2's health issues, this blog, and resisting the temptation to eat tortilla chips.

Well, it seems it only took 39 days, but I am finally over those temptresses!

Last night we took L2 out for a late second dinner and the first thing we found was Moe's Southwest Grill (kind'a like Q'Doba?). She got a burrito and the guy gave her some tortilla chips for free. I was feeling masochistic so I grabbed the bag and stuck my nose in it to at least enjoy a whiff of their enticing aroma...

and... nothing!

Today I have been home aaaallll day (mostly working on the taxes) and the bag of tortilla chips has been sitting open on the kitchen island, about 10 feet from where I am sitting, and... that's right! NOTHING

SO, I WIN, ha ha ha HA!

Ok, so now on to the new numbers.
Comparing all the weeks doesn't fit nicely in the space here, so I will just compare to the day before I started and to last week, to see all the weeks in between click here

March 8th              April 8th       April 16th

Weight    183 lbs    171 lbs        169 lbs

Bust        39.5"       38.5"           38.25"

Waist      35.75"     33.5"           33.25"

Hips        43"          41.63" (5/8)  41.5"

Thigh      26.5"       25.5"            25.25"

So, no big impressive changes, but steady progress :)

The last thing I want to share is that both yesterday evening and all of today I have felt more positive and able to focus than I have in weeks! Hurray for a detoxed liver!

PS. Please consider clicking on one of the ads, the L2's medical bills are starting to arrive and every penny helps!

1 comment:

  1. hello, hello, vieras que te leo muy a menudo pero no siempre comento. Siempre me meto en algún anuncio también :)
    Por cierto, en tu pagina de recomendaciones pones sobre los chanchos, pero espero que no estés comiendo carne de chancho CRUDA!!!
    Me alegro que estés tan disciplinada y sobre todo me alegro por Lorenita!! el otro día vimos una bebé que se parecía tanto a ella,.. bueno en realidad era la expresión de ojos y como la trompa porque era muy flaquita!!
    jeje, esto parece mas una carat que un comment...
    sorry other readers!!
